Cannabis Control Commission Municipal Licensing Equity Policy What's Happening

EON suggests enhancements to Model Municipal Equity By-Law or Ordinance, applauds CCC public comment periods

In response to the Cannabis Control Commission’s call for public comments regarding its draft Model Municipal Equity By-Law or Ordinance, EON submitted the following public comment.

In response to the Cannabis Control Commission’s call for public comments regarding its draft Model Municipal Equity By-Law or Ordinance, EON submitted the following public comment.

EON has previously urged the CCC to hold public comment periods for the Model HCA and Model Municipal Equity By-Law or Ordinance and wishes to express its deep gratitude to Acting Chair Ava Concepcion; Commissioners Nurys Camargo, Kimberly Roy, and Bruce Stebbins; Acting Executive Director Debbie Hilton-Creek; and Director of Licensing Kyle Potvin, Esq. for their commitment to transparency and openness to feedback.

We also want to thank all of YOU who made EON’s comments stronger by sharing your feedback, questions, and concerns about the model municipal bylaw. Thanks for being a part of this!

Public Comment: Model Municipal Equity By-law or Ordinance