Federal Policy State Legislation What's Happening

TODAY: Vote in MA’s State Primary Election!

Today is Election Day in Massachusetts, and polls are open until 8 PM!

Today is Election Day in Massachusetts, and polls are open until 8 PM!

The Massachusetts State Primary Election is your chance to help shape the future by choosing your party’s* nominees for key positions, including:

  • U.S. Representative and Senator, who create federal policy around cannabis and hemp laws and the federal budget
  • Governor’s Councilor, who approves judges and pardons
  • State Representative and Senator, who create and fund the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund, the state budget, and CCC and local cannabis equity laws
  • Clerk of Courts and Register of Deeds, who oversee important county administrative offices

(*Unenrolled voters who aren’t enrolled in a political party may vote in any party’s Primary.)

Find out where to vote and see your sample ballot at!

Do you need to register to vote or update your voter registration before the November election? Want to check your voter registration status? Visit for access to Elections & Voting resources from the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Showing up at your polling place today is a powerful way to demonstrate to your elected officials that you are engaged and ready to hold them accountable. Make your voice heard—cast your vote today!