Last week, MSO lobbyists and a few politically connected operators tried to change the rules so that the biggest, most profitable companies could get even ore of the Commonwealth’s cannabis industry.
MSO lobbyists are no match for the power of your voice. Thanks to supporters like you who spoke up to protect competition and equity in the Massachusetts cannabis industry, the proposal was defeated — for now.
The Senate will take up its economic development bill next week, and we could face another fight to protect equity businesses from changes to ownership limits. Click here to tell your elected officials not to destabilize and devalue cannabis equity businesses by rushing to change ownership requirements.
In addition to protecting cannabis equity and competition in the economic development bill, we urgently need your support to secure crucial funding for EON’s programming in the state’s FY25 budget.
Thanks to the incredible leadership of Sen. Liz Miranda, the Massachusetts State Senate included crucial funding for EON in its FY25 budget proposal! Unfortunately, despite amazing advocacy from Rep. Chynah Tyler, the House didn’t include funding for EON in its FY25 budget.
A Conference Committee is currently negotiating differences between the House and Senate budgets right now, and YOUR legislators need to hear from you!
Use this form to ask your State Representative and State Senator to urge the Conference Committee to include EON’s funding in the FY25 budget.
It’s going to be a busy month as the Legislature finishes its budget and legislative session — please help make sure we end the session strong by supporting funding for EON’s cannabis social equity programming and opposing giveaways to MSOs!
Thanks for being a part of this.