EON led the successful legislative campaign to create the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund, reform host community agreements, and encourage municipal equity with the passage of Ch. 180 at the end of 2022.
Following that campaign, EON conducted several surveys of business owners, applicants, community leaders, and advocates to help craft a new 2023-2024 legislative agenda with partners in the Legislature.
An effort by large, well-funded multistate and politically connected operators to change the rules on the industry and allow MSOs to consolidate more of the market inspired EON, the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, and social equity cannabis business owners to launch the Mass. Cannabis Equity Council.
EON, the members of Mass. Cannabis Equity Council, and the vast majority of the industry strongly oppose changes to the Commonwealth’s cannabis license ownership limits.
Stay tuned for details on EON’s 2025-2026 legislative agenda, which will:
- Expand Equity Access to Capital and Resources
- Foster Innovation and Market Stability
- Reduce Financial Barriers for EE/SE Businesses
- Support and Strengthen the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC)
- Reform Host Community Agreements (HCAs)
- Promote Fair Competition and Consumer Protection
Read our latest legislative news…
- EON Urges CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urges Legislature to protect competitionFollowing up on a previous call for an investigation into alleged license cap violations, EON and members of our Mass. Cannabis Equity Council sent the following letter urging the CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urge the Legislature to protect competition. Dear Acting Chair Stebbins and Commissioners Camargo, Concepcion, and Roy:… Read more: EON Urges CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urges Legislature to protect competition
- State lawmakers weigh independence, structure of Cannabis Control Commission as they consider reforms | GBH NewsEight years after Massachusetts voters passed a ballot law legalizing the adult use of marijuana, state legislators are exploring whether there are ways to make the cannabis regulatory system work better for businesses, consumers and others involved in the industry.
- Does the Cannabis Control Commission need legislative intervention? | State House News / NBC 10 BostonDonahue asked several of the people and groups that were invited to testify Wednesday (the CCC was not invited to testify) whether they thought that the statutory structure of the CCC contributed to the issues they raised. He asked about how other state cannabis oversight agencies are structured and whether moving the CCC under an executive office might make sense. That idea would be a non-starter for Kevin Gilnack, the policy co-chair for Equitable Opportunities Now, though he did agree that “recent events obviously have highlighted the need for some potential clarification and enhancements of the CCC’s authorizing statute.”
- Cannabis Industry Stakeholders Unload Concerns At Beacon Hill Hearing | Talking Joints MemoMassachusetts business owners, industry trade groups, and advocates ask lawmakers to reform the Cannabis Control Commission…
- Public Comments to Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy Regarding the Cannabis Control CommissionOn Wednesday, Oct. 30, representatives from EON and our Massachusetts Cannabis Equity Council were invited to testify before the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy regarding governance and operational issues at the Cannabis Control Commission. Check out remarks from EON Policy Co-Chair Kevin Gilnack, Zèb Boutique Owner Drudys Ledbetter, and Dris Brands Owner Chris Fevry in the hearing video and read our full letter to the Committee below.
- Poll: Share your thoughts about the CCCEquitable Opportunities Now is honored to have been invited to testify before the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy about the Cannabis Control Commission. Help us represent you and your concerns by sharing your feedback now!
- Mass. Cannabis Equity Leaders Call for Investigation into Alleged License Cap ViolationsMore than a dozen cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensary owners, along with BECMA and EON, are raising concerns about repeated reports that owners of Ascend Wellness — a large, multistate operator founded and headquartered in Massachusetts — have violated the Commonwealth’s ownership limits.
- TODAY: Vote in MA’s State Primary Election!Today is Election Day in Massachusetts, and polls are open until 8 PM!
- Cannabis equity end-of-session priorities: Expand medical access & equity and reject changes to license caps & CCC receivershipEquitable Opportunities Now submitted the following letter to Massachusetts legislators expressing our deep appreciation for their support, highlighting widely-supported bills, opposing changes to license caps, and opposing putting the Cannabis Control Commission into receivership…
- YOU DID IT! Help build on our progress for cannabis equity…Last week, MSO lobbyists and a few politically connected operators tried to change the rules so that the biggest, most profitable companies could get even ore of the Commonwealth’s cannabis industry. MSO lobbyists are no match for the power of your voice. Thanks to supporters like you who spoke up to protect competition and equity in the Massachusetts cannabis industry, the proposal was defeated — for now.
- Speak out NOW: Ask your electeds to protect cannabis equity from MSO market consolidationPlease tell your legislators and Gov. Healey to oppose any effort to rush a major change in cannabis industry rules through at the end of session without even having a hearing!
- SIGN ON: Add your name to our letter urging Senators to protect cannabis equity businessesJoin us in telling State Senators to oppose any effort to rush a major change in cannabis industry rules through at the end of session without even having a hearing!
- ALERT: Email Your State Rep ASAP to protect equity businesses from MSO market consolidationThere is an effort playing out TODAY in Massachusetts to weaken one of the strongest protections for cannabis equity businesses in the Commonwealth — potentially devaluing their licenses and starting a race to the bottom for the benefit of MSOs and a handful of operators. The amendment could be debated today or tomorrow, so please use the instructions below to email your State Representative ASAP — then follow up with a call!
- The cannabis industry is fighting over how many stores one company can own. Here’s why. | The Boston GlobeA debate over the cap on weed permits has sparked worries about broken promises to entrepreneurs of color and fears of a marijuana monopoly
- Cannabis equity businesses and Equitable Opportunities Now team up to oppose license cap changes & address industry challenges“The Commonwealth’s license cap is vital to protecting a competitive market and our legally mandated mission to foster equitable participation in this new market,” said EON Policy Co-Chair and MCEC founding member Armani White, who owns provisionally licensed Firehouse. “With lobbyists and lawyers for large multistate operators working with a handful of business leaders to undermine small business protections, it’s vital for cannabis equity businesses to have a voice in the policymaking process.”