Massachusetts Cannabis Equity Legislative Priorities


EON led the successful legislative campaign to create the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund, reform host community agreements, and encourage municipal equity with the passage of Ch. 180 at the end of 2022.

Following that campaign, EON conducted several surveys of business owners, applicants, community leaders, and advocates to help craft a new 2023-2024 legislative agenda with partners in the Legislature.

An effort by large, well-funded multistate and politically connected operators to change the rules on the industry and allow MSOs to consolidate more of the market inspired EON, the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, and social equity cannabis business owners to launch the Mass. Cannabis Equity Council.

EON, the members of Mass. Cannabis Equity Council, and the vast majority of the industry strongly oppose changes to the Commonwealth’s cannabis license ownership limits.

EON’s 2025-2026 Legislative Agenda was developed in response to urgent concerns from cannabis social equity business leaders and advocates, informed through surveys and focus group discussion, and builds on the bold leadership of our legislative allies, including numerous bills that were reported favorably last session.

We’re deeply appreciative to our 2025-2026 legislative champions, including:

  • Sen. Patricia Jehlen
  • Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • Sen. Jason Lewis
  • Sen. Liz Miranda
  • Rep. Mike Connolly
  • Rep. Chynah Tyler

And thank you for the hundreds of hours you and allies like you dedicated to helping shape this agenda.

Email Your Legislators Now!

Let your State Representative and State Senator know you support EON’s priority bills to strengthen equity in the cannabis industry — and urge them to say NO to efforts to let MSOs consolidate the market.

Priority Cannabis Equity Bills

These bills have been crafted by EON in partnership with legislative allies after social equity business owners and cannabis equity advocates identified them as the most impactful opportunities to support and encourage equitable participation in the cannabis industry.

An Act protecting cannabis equity businesses by enforcing ownership limits

SD.1143 sponsored by Sen. Liz Miranda

Prevents market consolidation and anticompetitive practices by:

  • Directing the CCC to conduct an industry-wide audit of license ownership every five years
  • Empowering the Office of Inspector General and State Auditor to investigate compliance with ownership limits.
  • Establishing whistleblower protections for insiders who report abuses
  • Establishing an anonymous tip line
  • Providing greater ownership data transparency and accessibility for the public

An Act delivering a fair share of cannabis revenue to communities harmed by the war on drugs

SD.1142 sponsored by Sen. Liz Miranda & HD.1443 sponsored by Rep. Chynah Tyler

Increases funding for Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund loans and grants from 15 to 18 percent of the Marijuana Regulation Fund and creates new automatic annual transfers from MRF…

  • To the CSETF for
    • The Community Empowerment and Reinvestment grant program
    • Municipal equity fund matching grants
    • Technical assistance
    • Financial assistance to disadvantaged ancillary businesses
    • Support organizations including Coalition for an Equitable Economy, Equitable Opportunities Now, and Mass CultivatED
  • The Cannabis Control Commission for the Social Equity Program

An Act to support cannabis equity businesses

SD.535 sponsored by Sen. Jason Lewis

Empowers cannabis social equity businesses by requiring the Cannabis Control Commission to update its:

  • Regulations to encourage licensees to carry products cultivated or manufactured by social equity businesses as part of their Positive Impact Plans
  • Retail finder to:
    • Enable consumers to filter by equity and other criteria
    • Find delivery operators in their area
    • Display progress toward positive impact and diversity goals, including the availability of products produced by cannabis equity businesses
    • Display owners and link to profiles with other licenses they control

An Act expanding access to legal, regulated cannabis delivery

HD.3722 sponsored by Rep. Mike Connolly & SD.2380 sponsored by Sen. Liz Miranda

Prevents CCC from prohibiting delivery to No Towns or tourist residences.

An Act enabling private donations to the cannabis social equity trust fund

SD.2160 sponsored by Sen. Ed Kennedy

Strengthens the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund (CSETF) at no cost to the Commonwealth by:

  • Directing EOED to accept private donations to the Cannabis Social Equity Trust Fund in furtherance of the Legislature’s mandate to allow licensees to donate to the fund as part of their Positive Impact Plan per Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94G, § 4(a1/2)(xxxv)
  • Enabling individuals to make voluntary donations to the Fund when filing taxes modeled on Massachusetts Clean Elections Fund
  • Directing EOED to use a percentage of CSETF funds to guarantee loans through Community Development Financial Institutions, non-traditional nonprofit lenders, credit unions, and banks.

Supported Cannabis Equity Bills

These bills have been crafted by EON in partnership with legislative allies after social equity business owners and cannabis equity advocates identified them as beneficial to supporting and encouraging equitable participation in the cannabis industry.

An Act to remove HCA real estate barriers to equitable participation in the cannabis industry

HD.1632 sponsored by Rep. Chynah Tyler

Directs CCC to establish regulations to enable social equity businesses to negotiate HCAs with municipalities prior to securing a property.

An Act to create cannabis career pathways to incarcerated individuals

SD.892 sponsored by Sen. Patricia Jehlen & HD.509 sponsored by Rep. Chynah Tyler

The CCC, in consultation with the Cannabis Advisory Board, Massachusetts Sheriffs Association, the Office of Probation, the Department of Corrections, the University of Massachusetts, and the Executive Office of Economic Development shall:

  1. Conduct a study on programs and partnerships to encourage the employment of justice-involved individuals in the cannabis industry, including training and educational programs conducted within houses of correction, jails and prisons, as a part of probation or parole, and after release, and report the findings of that study no later than Dec. 31, 2026; and
  2. Develop a pilot program to create career pathways in the cannabis industry for incarcerated individuals, individuals on probation and parole, and formerly justice-involved individuals no later than Dec. 31, 2027.

Endorsed Cannabis Equity Bills

These external bills have been identified by social equity business owners and cannabis equity advocates as beneficial to supporting and encouraging equitable participation in the cannabis industry.

Cannabis Control Commission

  • An Act to create efficiencies in the cannabis employment process (SD.1832 sponsored by Sen. Dylan Fernandes & HD.4186 sponsored by Rep. Manny Cruz)
  • An Act to increase the cannabis purchase and possession limits (HD.1097 sponsored by Rep. Chynah Tyler)


  • An Act to modernize Massachusetts medical marijuana program (SD.2048 sponsored by Sen. Adam Gomez & HD.3397 sponsored by Rep. Dave Rogers)
  • An Act further defining eligibility for medical use marijuana (SD.979 sponsored by Sen. Ryan Fattman & HD.3064 sponsored by Rep. Michael Soter)
  • An Act relative to fair access for qualifying patients (HD.115 sponsored by Rep. David LeBoeuf)
  • An Act relative to worker compensation protections for certified medical cannabis patients and their caregivers (HD.1457 sponsored by Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa)
  • An Act relative to cannabis for Medicare eligible patients (HD.3357 sponsored by Rep. Dave Rogers)
  • An Act relative to a medical marijuana pilot program (HD.2286 sponsored by Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida)

Civil Rights & Criminal Justice Reform

  • An Act relative to expungement of certain past marijuana convictions (HD.135 sponsored by Rep. Bud Williams)
  • An Act ensuring equitable access to cannabis related expungement (HD.624 sponsored by Rep. Chynah Tyler)
  • An Act requiring clean slate automated record sealing (SD.949 sponsored by Sen. Cindy Friedman and HD.1788 sponsored by Reps. Mary Keefe & Andy Vargas)
  • An Act relative to the expungement of convictions for marijuana possession (SD. 2177 sponsored by Sen. Jason Lewis)


  • An Act relative to the fair treatment of employees (SD.384 sponsored by Sen. Jason Lewis)
  • An Act prohibiting employment discrimination based on the legal use of cannabis (SD.1059 sponsored by Sen. Jacob Oliveira and HD.620 sponsored by Rep. Chynah Tyler, HD.932 sponsored by Rep. Michael Kushmerek)
  • An Act requiring informed consent for marijuana testing (HD.1697 sponsored by Rep. Russell Holmes)


  • An Act to create efficient cannabis testing standards (HD.1968 sponsored by Rep. Rob Consalvo)


  • An Act relative to supporting sustainability in the cannabis industry (HD.532 sponsored by Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa)

Public Safety

  • An Act relative to cannabis use by first responders (SD.146 sponsored by Sen. Julian Cyr)

Email Your Legislators Now!

Let your State Representative and State Senator know you support EON’s priority bills to strengthen equity in the cannabis industry — and urge them to say NO to efforts to let MSOs consolidate the market.

Strongly Opposed Anti-Equity, Anti-Competition Bills

  • An Act for cannabis market modernization (SD.2198 sponsored by Sen. Jacob Oliveira & HD.3588 sponsored by Rep. Meg Kilcoyne)
    • Allows MSOs to triple their market share — going from 3 retail licenses to 9 — by consuming social equity businesses.
  • An Act to modernize the cannabis regulatory environment (SD.1441 sponsored by Senate President Pro Tempore William Brownsberger & HD.2544 sponsored by Rep. Dawne Shand)
    • Allows MSOs to more than double their market share — going from 3 retail licenses to 6 plus up to 35 percent of 4 more equity businesses!
  • An Act related to cannabis retail licensees (HD.3150 sponsored by Rep. Mark Cusack)
    • Allows MSOs to double their market share — going from 3 retail licenses to 6 — by consuming social equity businesses.
  • An Act relative to raising the standalone cap for marijuana establishments (HD.3643 sponsored by Reps. Dave Rogers & Michael Soter)
    • Allows MSOs to double their market share with 6 retail licenses by adding 1 license per year for three years.
  • An Act relative to economic opportunities in the cannabis industry (SD.1675 sponsored by Sen. James Eldridge)
    • Allows MSOs to double their market share with 6 retail licenses by adding 1 license per year for three years.
  • An Act to promote equity joint venture partnerships (HD.943 sponsored by Rep. Samantha Montaño)
    • Allows MSOs to increase their market share — going from 3 retail licenses to up to 35 percent of 4 more equity businesses

Email Your Legislators Now!

Let your State Representative and State Senator know you support EON’s priority bills to strengthen equity in the cannabis industry — and urge them to say NO to efforts to let MSOs consolidate the market.

Cannabis Bills to Follow

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