Cannabis Control Commission Policy State Legislation What's Happening

EON Launches New Resoures to Protect Equity Businesses from MSO Market Consolidation

Social equity businesses, small operators, consumers, patients, and advocates are encouraged to speak out and help protect those most harmed by the war on drugs from large predatory businesses trying to take over the industry.

With the 2025-2026 Legislative Session underway, EON and the members of our Mass. Cannabis Equity Council are proud to unveil new resources to help prevent market consolidation.

There is an effort taking place right now to enable the largest, most profitable companies to control more of the market while reducing the number of equity businesses.

Thanks to your advocacy, we defeated an attempted power grab by greedy companies last summer. But MSOs and their lobbyists have been busy getting ready for this legislative session.

Social equity businesses, small operators, consumers, patients, and advocates are encouraged to speak out and help protect those most harmed by the war on drugs from large predatory businesses trying to take over the industry.

Take Action

  • SIGN ON TO OUR LETTER to Gov. Healey and Legislative Leaders urging them to reject ownership limit changes to show our collective solidarity.
  • EMAIL YOUR LEGISLATORS directly right now using our easy online form to remind your state Representative and Senator what’s at stake and how important this issue is to you.

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