Cannabis Control Commission Mass. Cannabis Equity Council Policy Press Press Releases & Media Advisories State Legislation What's Happening

EON Urges CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urges Legislature to protect competition

Following up on a previous call for an investigation into alleged license cap violations, EON and members of our Mass. Cannabis Equity Council sent the following letter urging the CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urge the Legislature to protect competition. Dear Acting Chair Stebbins and Commissioners Camargo, Concepcion, and Roy: […]

Cannabis Control Commission Mass. Cannabis Equity Council News Coverage Press State Legislation

Does the Cannabis Control Commission need legislative intervention? | State House News / NBC 10 Boston

Donahue asked several of the people and groups that were invited to testify Wednesday (the CCC was not invited to testify) whether they thought that the statutory structure of the CCC contributed to the issues they raised. He asked about how other state cannabis oversight agencies are structured and whether moving the CCC under an executive office might make sense.

That idea would be a non-starter for Kevin Gilnack, the policy co-chair for Equitable Opportunities Now, though he did agree that “recent events obviously have highlighted the need for some potential clarification and enhancements of the CCC’s authorizing statute.”

Cannabis Control Commission Mass. Cannabis Equity Council Policy Press Press Releases & Media Advisories State Legislation What's Happening

Public Comments to Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy Regarding the Cannabis Control Commission

On Wednesday, Oct. 30, representatives from EON and our Massachusetts Cannabis Equity Council were invited to testify before the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy regarding governance and operational issues at the Cannabis Control Commission.

Check out remarks from EON Policy Co-Chair Kevin Gilnack, Zèb Boutique Owner Drudys Ledbetter, and Dris Brands Owner Chris Fevry in the hearing video and read our full letter to the Committee below.

Cannabis Control Commission Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Poll: Share your thoughts about the CCC

Equitable Opportunities Now is honored to have been invited to testify before the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy about the Cannabis Control Commission.

Help us represent you and your concerns by sharing your feedback now!

Cannabis Control Commission Mass. Cannabis Equity Council Policy Press Press Releases & Media Advisories State Legislation What's Happening

Mass. Cannabis Equity Leaders Call for Investigation into Alleged License Cap Violations

More than a dozen cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensary owners, along with BECMA and EON, are raising concerns about repeated reports that owners of Ascend Wellness — a large, multistate operator founded and headquartered in Massachusetts — have violated the Commonwealth’s ownership limits.

Cannabis Social Equity Fund News Coverage Policy Press State Legislation

Guest Opinion: Black And Brown Cannabis Entrepreneurs Can’t Afford To Keep Waiting | Talking Joints Memo

The investments and policy decisions we make now will have a lasting impact on whether we create a truly equitable industry.

Cannabis Social Equity Fund News Coverage Policy Press State Legislation

Guest Opinion: Where Is Mass Cannabis Tax Revenue Going? | Talking Joints Memo

Are we equitably reinvesting cannabis revenue in communities harmed by the war on drugs?