Cannabis Control Commission Mass. Cannabis Equity Council Policy Press Press Releases & Media Advisories State Legislation What's Happening

EON Urges CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urges Legislature to protect competition

Following up on a previous call for an investigation into alleged license cap violations, EON and members of our Mass. Cannabis Equity Council sent the following letter urging the CCC to improve ownership data transparency & tip line and urge the Legislature to protect competition. Dear Acting Chair Stebbins and Commissioners Camargo, Concepcion, and Roy: […]

Federal Policy State Legislation What's Happening

TODAY: Vote in MA’s State Primary Election!

Today is Election Day in Massachusetts, and polls are open until 8 PM!

Mass. Cannabis Equity Council Policy State Legislation What's Happening

YOU DID IT! Help build on our progress for cannabis equity…

Last week, MSO lobbyists and a few politically connected operators tried to change the rules so that the biggest, most profitable companies could get even more of the Commonwealth’s cannabis industry.

MSO lobbyists are no match for the power of your voice. Thanks to supporters like you who spoke up to protect competition and equity in the Massachusetts cannabis industry, the proposal was defeated — for now.

Mass. Cannabis Equity Council Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Ask your Legislators to support EON funding in the FY25 budget!

A Conference Committee is currently negotiating differences between the House and Senate budgets right now, and YOUR legislators need to hear from you!

Use this form to ask your State Representative and State Senator to urge the Conference Committee to include EON’s funding in the FY25 budget.

Cannabis Social Equity Fund Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Passage of FY23 closeout supplemental budget advances Cannabis Social Equity Fund

Yesterday, the Legislature passed, and Gov. Maura Healey signed, the closeout FY23 supplemental budget that will unlock millions of dollars in grants and loans to cannabis equity businesses. This is an important step toward creating economic opportunity for communities harmed by the war on drugs, as envisioned by voters when they passed Question 4.

Cannabis Control Commission Cannabis Social Equity Fund Municipal Licensing Equity Policy Press Press Releases & Media Advisories State Legislation What's Happening

Community leaders, advocates praise historic equity provisions in new cannabis law signed by Gov. Baker

“Massachusetts made history with a nation-leading economic empowerment law when they legalized cannabis with Question 4, and nearly six years later, Gov. Baker and the Massachusetts Legislature have made history with this vital — and overdue — grant and loan fund,” said Equitable Opportunities Now Co-Founder and Question 4 Co-Author Shanel Lindsay.

Cannabis Social Equity Fund Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Time is running out to ensure cannabis equity is fully funded!

While the House funded the cannabis equity grant and loan fund with 20% of excess cannabis revenue, the Senate only included 10% in their bill – putting tens of millions of dollars that could support Black and brown entrepreneurs at risk!

We need your help now to make sure this vital program is fully funded by emailing and calling your state senator and representative before it’s too late!

Cannabis Social Equity Fund Policy State Legislation What's Happening

URGENT: Ask your Local House Rep to Support Cannabis Equity

An all-white Conference Committee will negotiate key differences between House and Senate cannabis reform bills, including whether the social equity trust fund should receive the full 20% of cannabis revenues envisioned by the law and included in the House, or just the 10% allocated by the Senate.

Please take a moment right now to urge your state legislators to ask the Conference Committee to strengthen the equity provisions of the final omnibus cannabis reform bill! Here’s how to take action:

Cannabis Social Equity Fund Municipal Licensing Equity Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Take Action for Social Equity in Massachusetts

Voters passed Question 4 with the promise of equitable pathways into the cannabis industry and community reinvestment into the communities most harmed by the war on drugs. Nearly six years later, we’re on the cusp of securing a major victory that will bring significant reinvestment of cannabis revenue into Black- and brown-owned businesses through a […]