Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Ask your Rep. to support cannabis equity in MA’s budget

Please take a few minutes right now to ask your State Representative to invest in creating equitable economic opportunity for communities harmed by the war on drugs. Here’s how:

Cannabis Social Equity Fund Policy Press Press Releases & Media Advisories State Legislation

Advocates applaud progress on cannabis equity fund in supplemental budget, urge quick passage

“Language in this bill will unlock millions of dollars to be reinvested back into communities that have been torn apart by over-policing and the war on drugs — and it couldn’t come a minute too soon. The loans and grants this program will provide can help save businesses and jobs before the holidays, but only if all legislators put the needs of the Commonwealth’s residents first by quickly passing this bill in an informal session.”

Cannabis Social Equity Fund News Coverage Policy Press State Legislation

Recap + Guest Opinion: Please Advance The Social Equity Trust Fund Fix | Talking Joints Memo

The group Equitable Opportunities Now, which “educates and empowers people of color to become active participants in the Massachusetts legal cannabis market,” is on top of the situation, and has sent two letters to Beacon Hill lawmakers this month outlining the situation as well as the stakes.

Cannabis Control Commission Cannabis Social Equity Fund Municipal Licensing Equity Policy State Legislation What's Happening

EON testifies in support of slate of statehouse cannabis equity bills

The investments and policy decisions we make now will have a lasting impact on whether we create a truly equitable industry.

Cannabis Social Equity Fund Policy State Legislation What's Happening

Ask your state rep to support these important cannabis equity budget amendments!

Your voice can make this happen! Thanks to all of your hard work in bringing these issues to the forefront, Representative Dave Rogers, Representative Chynah Tyler, and Representative Carol Doherty have successfully filed three amendments to the state economic development bill! BUT ITS NOT OVER YET. These amendments will be debated MONDAY and the only way […]